TWW Stage 2 of The Technical Writing Workshop is a new follow-up course

Declan Madden and Neill Dronsfield, Språkbruket Education, continue to run The Technical Writing Workshop as we also develop follow-up courses that focus on advancing the writing skills of technical communicators.
The Technical Writing Workshop, authored by Declan Madden, is still the only course of its kind with more than 900 technical communicators attending since the course began.

New follow-up course, TWW Stage 2, is now open for bookings

The course is designed to give participants new knowledge, practice new writing skills, consolidate existing knowledge, and find solutions to their individual problem areas.

Be a better technical writer by learning to master a large number of critical details of the English language that apply to technical documentation and product information.
The need for precision, clarity, conciseness, and correctness is an absolute requirement.
The quality of the technical information that you and your colleagues produce reflects on your customers’ perception of the product itself. Customers, whether corporate or consumer, will react strongly to incorrect, faulty technical instructions, descriptions, and safety information. They will reject your product and choose a different product or supplier.
“If the manuals are so bad, how can we possibly trust the product itself?”

Be a better technical writer by also improving your descriptive technical writing skills, an important part of TWW Stage 2
If you attended The Technical Writing Workshop (or, YH Teknikinformatör) earlier, you learned how to write technical instructions, but also process descriptions and technical function descriptions. Many of you realised for the first time the important difference between these two descriptive writing applications. TWW Stage 2 examines descriptive technical writing in greater detail by focusing on technical system descriptions, transition, and content reduction.

Be a better technical writer by getting personal, individual feedback on the written assignments that are a vital part of this training course
The written assignments focus on descriptive technical writing: technical system descriptions, process descriptions and function descriptions. We will, of course, revise/refresh the principals of instructions, typical faults and problem areas, grammar structures, etc., while new input will analyse in minute detail areas such as prepositions, hyphens, dimensions, modifiers, numbers, punctuation, gender vocabulary, better sentence structure, and much more.

Be a better technical writer by sending us a sample of the work you are doing at your company for our analysis and our feedback. (optional, limited amount, and authorised for our review.)
TWW Stage 2 is provided Live Online and Face 2 Face, Stockholm, Malmö.
It is open to previous participants on The Technical Writing Workshop, experienced technical writers, and on-site technical documentation groups.

Course Dates
The course consists of 2 course days and 3 distance assignments (equivalent to 1 additional course day).

Face 2 Face TWW Stage 2 How to be a better technical writer

Stockholm 09.00 - 16.00

Week: 20: 13 May
Week: 21: 20 May

Further Information
Course fee
SEK 18 000 excluding VAT

Download Course Contents TWW Stage 2 (pdf)